About the CLPT
The Central Learning Partnership Trust is underpinned by a moral purpose: to change lives for the better. We are committed to improving the life chances of our young people, to optimise their feeling of self-worth, to develop their resilience and in turn their capacity to embrace the challenges that lie ahead.
Above all else, we encourage pupils to be ambitious for themselves, their families and their communities.
Success is the birth-right of every individual, and schools must be relentless in their drive to ensure that this is delivered. We are determined to challenge the premise that education alone cannot break the cycle of deprivation – of low aspirations and resultant low outcomes. We want to eradicate the poverty of expectation and instil in every member of our school communities a personal resolve and drive to succeed – a ‘Yes We Can’ mentality.
Our Aim
As a Trust our main priority is to raise the attainment of young people. A significant number of pupils, of both primary and secondary age, are attending schools judged other than ‘good’ or ‘outstanding’. This fundamental failure to equalise opportunity has an adverse effect upon the life chances of these young people well beyond their school years. We are committed to addressing this inequality; believing that all schools and in turn their outcomes can improve incrementally, continually building on the improvements of the previous year.
We aim to ensure that each Academy within the Trust:
- adds value to the results of their students.
- is capable of outstanding judgements from OFSTED within 3 years of becoming an academy partner within the Central Learning Partnership Trust.
- is oversubscribed or on a significant upward trend.
- works closely with other CLPT academies to create a sustainable model of education for all students.
- fosters an inclusive culture where permanent exclusions are rare and every student leaving the school has a plan for the next stage of their learning / career.
- is recognised nationally as organisations of high quality, producing outstanding results within a culture of innovation and achievement.
- continues to develop their own unique characteristics and ethos; maintaining individual identities within their respective communities.
- produces high quality committed professionals and future leaders for CLPT academies, through our Teaching School Alliance Professional Development Programme.