Our History and Values
By working closely together, academies within Central Learning Partnership Trust are able to create a sustainable model of education for all students.
This is the result of co-development, idea sharing, continuous support and the flexible deployment of teachers, leaders and support staff for the collective benefit of all schools and all pupils.
All academies within the Central Learning Partnership Trust commit to:
- signing up to the local Strategy for Inclusion
- following the National Code for Admissions and comply with local co-ordinated admission arrangements
- fully engaging, where appropriate, with the Council and its policies and principles
- being fully involved in the local educational vision and to play a full part in further developing school improvement partnerships
- driving up standards, improving achievement and progression across all key stages for all children and using their capacity to support other schools
- fully engaging with the local Learning Communities, working in partnership with the integrated locality based teams
- collaborating with the LA and their schools on the operation of specialism; sharing resources with others schools especially in the context of providing pathways for 14-19 students through the operation of consortia arrangements
- ensuring all staff benefit from the same terms and conditions they already enjoy in addition to further opportunities arising from innovative staffing structures