School Improvement

The Central Learning Partnership Trust is self-sustaining and outward looking using its capacity to support those who are underprivileged, in difficulty, or in any other way in need.

We build upon the diversity of our academies in order to broaden the experience of students and communities, and to challenge discrimination and prejudice in all of its forms.

Our model is based upon the creation of single-phase school improvement hubs, in which the collective resources can be used to impact upon all pupils in the partnership. Unlike other multi-academy trusts, our model enables support to be brokered from other than CLPT academies.

The major benefit of the proposed model is the formalising of school to school support, with the resources of all the schools in a hub impacting on all students. The financial benefits and career opportunities that our multi-academy trust provides will also directly impact on outcomes.

The success of this particular partnership approach to school improvement is evidenced by the fact that Moseley Park was removed from its Special Measures category in February 2012, after just two terms of CLPT involvement.

School perform­ance rose from below floor in 2010, to 79%   5+ A* – C including English and Maths in 2015

The Trust strongly believes that we can best deliver our vision and aims by creating a series of single phase ‘improvement hubs’, in which schools work collaboratively one with another, within a formal structure. The notion of executive oversight is, we believe, central to the success and sustainability of this model and as such is a non-negotiable for sponsored academies.

The capacity to support these hubs will be enhanced through the deployment of NLEs, LLEs and SLEs and the identification and appointment to the Trust of leaders with the capacity to fulfil these roles.

Learning Hub Model

  • Each hub will have primary/ secondary Executive Headteacher oversight
  • Each academy will have a Headteacher or Associate Headteacher
  • Each academy may retain its own Local Governing Body
  • Each hub can have a single Executive Governing Body in place of their individual Local Governing Bodies
  • All Governing Bodies, however constituted, report to Central Learning Partnership Trust Board