Rob Turton

Rob is a Chartered Accountant who has been involved with Academies and the Education Sector for almost 20 years.
Initially, this was through work, with clients in the sector. Whilst in practice and since retirement Rob has been a member of the Board of Trustees of Central Learning Partnership Trust Limited and an advisor on risk to a small group of academies. For 40 years Rob has been a Circuit Treasurer for two different Circuits, at different times, and also as a Church Treasurer.
Rob is also a Board member of Coverage Care Services Limited, a not-for-profit care home group, based in Shrewsbury and is also the Honorary Treasurer and a Trustee of Wolverhampton Methodist Circuit. He also sits on the Audit Committee of the Wolverhampton and Shrewsbury Methodist Circuit.
Rob grew up in the East Midlands before moving to Wolverhampton in 1978. In his spare time, Rob is an avid follower of cricket and football and loves to travel, especially to be with his daughter in Seattle.