CPD Provision

TOPICCONTENTTeacher StandardTier 1Tier 2*all sessions will take place at your home school apart from where otherwise indicated
Professionalism/ Wellbeing Check InHigh Expectations Self-representation Effective working relationships Communication, Conduct and Core Values  1, 8Teach First, SDS and ECT’s: Wednesday 11/18th September OR during new staff induction   SD Tuition and PGCE’s: To be included as part of whole school induction on 1st day.Additional sessions for ECT’s and ITT’s will run independently according to start dates.
BfLPositive BfL, tools, techniques, school policy effectively.  7 Wednesday 25th September  HOME SCHOOLS  
PlanningWhat IS effective planning and what does it look like?42nd OctHOME SCHOOLS Please bring a lesson plan with you.
BfL Tier 2How to apply effective BfL tools to specific classes and situations79th Oct  HOME SCHOOLS   UoW BfL ITAP   This may serve as an introductory session for those ITTs who have yet to attend the BfL session.  
QuestioningBlooms Taxonomy, Tools and Techniques, Promoting intellectual curiosity  2, 3, 4, 5, 6  16th OctWeek one: CLPT Session – Heath Park
AssessmentAfl, AoL AaL – what are they and how can we apply tools and techniques effectively?2, 6  6th Nov      13th Nov  Week one: CLPT Session – Heath Park (WH/DR) Week two: home schools *bring a lesson plan/laptop with you     UoW Assessment ITAP
Consolidation and ReflectionPersonalised support with Assessment, BfL and Planning.420th NovHOME SCHOOLS Wellbeing check in/ and personalised support as required within your home school  
SEND & EALSEND Policy, criteria, needs, methods of support. Techniques and tools for supporting EAL in lesson527h Nov      4th Dec  Week one: CLPT Session – Heath Park (NH/HI) Week two: home schools, exploring registers and class information. Explore Provision Map   
Reflect & PerfectReview progress made. Conduct tasks to further learning.411th DecWellbeing check in/ and session repeats as required within your home school  
Adaptive TeachingMethods of ensuring all are appropriately supported and challenged to succeed.1, 35th Feb  12th FebWeek one: CLPT Session – Moseley Park Week two: homes schools – please bring a lesson plan/laptop with you.   UoW Adaptive teaching ITAP
Marking & FeedbackUse of data, marking policy, effective feedback  2, 626th FebruaryCLPT Session – Moseley Park Please bring a class list with you.
Reflect & PerfectReview progress made. Conduct tasks to further learning.45th MarchCLPT Session – Heath Park Collaboration event
Active LearningWhat is it? Tools and techniques. Making learning more “active”212th March19th MarchWeek one: CLPT Session – Heath Park (GG) Week two: home schools – please bring a lesson plan with you.  
RetentionMethods, tools and techniques to aid retention in students226th March CLPT Session – Moseley Park  
Teacher standardsHow are we demonstrating them? Standard 882nd AprilPlease bring with you a copy of the teacher standards. CLPT Session – Moseley Park
Reflect & PerfectBeing a reflective Practitioner Review progress, action plan to improve49th AprilRepeat Knowledge Audit.  Look ahead to Summer Term. Wellbeing check in.
Personalised Delivery Session 1Session content based on feedback and emerging needs   30th April  UoW Digital Pedagogies ITAP     These sessions will be based on the needs of the cohort.   There will be a variety of sessions available across the Trust schools.
Personalised Delivery Session 2Session content based on feedback and emerging needs   7th May
Personalised Delivery Session 3Session content based on feedback and emerging needs   14th May
Celebration EventCelebrate success and share best practice.   11th JuneCLPT Session – Heath Park Sharing best practice exhibition