Vale of Evesham School

Vale of Evesham School is an all age generic special school taking pupils from the age of 2 to 19 with a weekly residential provision, Blossom House.

We strive to provide an inclusive, holistic provision that ensures the security and care for every child, thereby enabling them to reach their full potential in an encouraging and supportive environment. As such we are the ‘Local Offer’ for South Worcestershire.

The pupils play a key part in their learning. When asked about what they liked best about school, the answers ranged from ‘prizes at the end of the day’ to ‘I have friends and people look out for you here’. They also thought that ’computers and Numicon’ helped them learn best.

Our staff are highly skilled and creative in ensuring all pupils have a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum. Pupils have stated ‘I like to work and the lessons are interesting and fun’ and ’the teachers always help you.’

I know you will enjoy looking through our website and learning more about the school. If it inspires you to ask more questions do not hesitate to get in touch or arrange a visit.

Mr Thomas, Headteacher