Woden Primary

Woden Primary School are a rich multicultural community and celebrate the diversity of the many different cultures represented.

The children and parents of Woden are from over 30 different countries and speak more than 40 different languages. This helps to make it a special place where we all value our similarities and differences and learn from each other. At Woden Primary School we aim to become a community of life-long learners, striving for excellence, and inspired by achievement and success.

Woden’s motto “Learning to make a difference” is evident in all we do. We pride ourselves on providing a rich and varied learning environment and exciting curriculum for all of our children, in a friendly and positive atmosphere, that encourages them to flourish and achieve their best.

We aim to provide the children in our care with the best possible start in life.

Mrs Walmsley, Headteacher


01902 558880